Coquina Sands Real Estate Market Insider
Stay up to date on all market activity at Coquina Sands in Naples, FL. This report includes all available single family homes at Coquina Sands along with all homes sold within the last four (4) months. Pay special attention to the averages: List Price, Sold Price, Days On Market (DOM), and Cost per Square Foot.
If you have more specific questions about the market, feel free to Contact Me or give me a call at 239-963-4474
Properties for sale (ACTIVE): Listings for sale that are currently being marketed but do not have a purchase agreement.
- Days on Market (DOM): The marketing period of currently active listings. This does not account for some listings which have had a previous listing period, but were re-entered as a new listing.
- List Price: The price that a property seller is currently asking.
Sold: Properties that have closed in the last 120 Days.
- Sold Price: The price for which a property sold.
- Cost per Square Foot